

Yambaba Ecommerce

Ultimate solution for your ecommerce business

System Requirements

System Requirements

The Laravel framework has a few system requirements. All of these requirements are satisfied by the Laravel Homestead virtual machine, so it's highly recommended that you use Homestead as your local Laravel development environment.

However, if you are not using Homestead, you will need to make sure your server meets the following requirements:

  • PHP >= 7.1. 3
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • XML PHP Extension
  • Ctype PHP Extension
  • JSON PHP Extension
  • BCMath PHP Extension

To run the application in your server make sure your php.ini file meets the following requirements . Please try change below info on php.ini.

  • max_execution_time 30000
  • max_input_time 30000
  • memory_limit 512MB
  • post_max_size 512MB
  • upload_max_filesize 128MB


Database and database user creation on Server

Log into your cPanel.

Click the MySQL Database Wizard under the Databases heading.

Next to New Database enter a name for your database and click Next Step.

Next to Username enter a username.Enter a password next to Password, enter it again for Password (Again) and then click Create User.

On the next page, you'll assign privileges for the user to the database. Check the box next to All Privileges and then click Next Step.

Upload the package to your host

Upload file "upload.zip" to your host inside the desired location using cPanel File Manager

After upload is completed, Right click on the package and select Extract. That will extract the zipped file contents

Adjust the folders Permissions

  • Change the permissions of uploads folder and all it's contents (Files & Folders ) to 777
  • Change the permissions of storage folder and all it's contents (Files & Folders ) to 777

Installation Note For Local Server

To run the application in localhost make sure your php.ini file meets the following requirements .
Please try change below info on php.ini

max_execution_time 30000
max_input_time 30000
memory_limit 512MB
post_max_size 512MB
upload_max_filesize 128MB

Also, make sure PHP -v see in command line min version 7.4.x



1. Dashboard

At the top menu of left sidebar is Dashboard. There are several view port in dashboard. we can see the number of products, seller, customer etc. at a glance. Summary of the system is important. After login admin can see the update for that day.

2. Toggle Bar

To hide and show the side menu bar.

3. Website

The button lead you to the main website.

4. Language

Delivered to you equiped with diffrent languages : English and Arabic. You can also add laguage with your own customization.

5. Quick Menu

Most important quick menu are there so that admin can find easily.

6. Knowledge Base

This link can lead the admin to Knowledge Base.

7. Notification

Different types of notifications are created in the system. You can find it here.

8. Profile

Admin can see their profile, change their existing password, update profile setting etc. Logout button at the bottom of this profile section.

9. Seller Dashboard

Go to your seller dashboard panel.

10. Today

When admin login to the system he shows the todays summary.

11. This Week

By clicking this week button admin can show this week summary.

12. This Month

By clicking this month button admin can show this month summary.

13. This Year

By clicking this year button admin can show this year summary.

Different Summaries In Chart

Top Product and Seller List

Category Wise Product and Product Sale List

Coupon Wise Sale and New Customer List

Recently Added Product and Top Refferer List

Latest Order and Keyword Search List

Admin can also show order details from here.

Top Customers & Recent Reviews

15. Top Customer

View top customer.

16. Top Seller

View top seller.

17. Product Reviews

View the reviews of the products.

17. Seller Reviews

View the reviews of the Seller.

Personal Notification Setting

Personal Notification Setting

You can set up which notification you want to get.


Lead you to the notification setting page.

2.Read All

This will mark the notification as read.


View all notifications.

Frontend CMS


Home Page

This is the landing page of the website. You can customize this page according to your wish.

1 & 2. Select List

This section describe how the home page will show. To change the view of the website you can change it from here. Different selection options are here. Product list changes according to the selection. Admin can enable and disable any section. Disabled section will be hide from the main website.

3. Update

Admin can change title, column size and type. If you want to change the home page column from 6 to 4 , you can update the column size here.




Features describe what your website offers. You can visually represent the features so that users can easily understand what you website offers. You can find the website view at the bottom of any page.

1. Save Feature

Admin can add new feature. Active features are shown in the website.

2. Feature List

Feature List is shown here.

3. Quick Search

Easily search the table by entering any key.

4. Icons

The icons are used for copy,csv,excel,print,pdf all the data from the table.

5. Action

Feature can be edit or delete from here.

Features Website View

Merchent Content

Merchent Content

Merchant Content

This is the merchant page for regestration. You can customize this page. You can find the page here https://yourdomain.com/merchant.

1. Add Benifit List

Admin can add new Benifit List. Benifit List are shown in the merchant page.

2. Benifit Action

Benifit List can edit or delete.

3. Add How It Work List

Admin can add new How It Work List. How It Work List are shown in the merchant page.

4. Benifit Action

Benifit List can edit or delete.

5. Add Frequently Asked Question List

Admin can add new Frequently Asked Question List. Frequently Asked Question List are shown in the merchant page.

6. Frequently Asked Question Action

Frequently Asked Question List can edit or delete.

7. Update

All the details of the merchant can be updated..

Merchent Content Website View

Return & Exchange

Return & Exchange

Return & Exchange

If any user wants to return any product he/she has to follow the return and exchange policies. You can find the page here https://yourdomain.com/return-exchange .

1. Update

Admin can update Return & Exchange . (*) marked fields are required

Return & Exchange Website View

Contanct Content

Contact Content

Contact Content

Setup your "contact us" page for users. You can find the page here https://yourdomain.com/contact-us .

1. Update

Admin can update Contact Content. All the fields are required.

2. Save

Admin can add edit and delete inquery.

Contact Content Website View

Dynamic Pages

Dynamic Pages

Dynamic Page

Dynamic pages are not directly shown in the website. When you add any dynamic page you can find it in many section like footer, menu etc where you can add the page.

1. Add New

Dynamic Pages can be added from here.

2. Action

Admin can view, edit and delete the dynamic pages.

Dynamic Page (Create)

Footer Setting

Footer Setting (Copyright)

Footer Setting

You can dynamically change your footer contents. It is the bottom part of the website.

1. Copyright Text

Admin can update copyright text content.

Footer Setting (About)

2. About Text

Admin can update about text content.

Footer Setting (Company)

3. Company

Admin can add new page and update the section name "Company".

Footer Setting (My Account)

4. My Account

Admin can add new page and update the section name "My Account".

Footer Setting (Services)

5. Services

Admin can add new page and update the section name "Services"

Footer Setting Website View

Subscribe Content

Subscribe Content

Subscribe Content

You can update the subscribe content text.You can find it in the bottom of the website.

1. Update

Subscribe Content can be updated from here. All the fields are required.

Subscribe Content Website View

About Us

About Us

About Us

This is the about us page details. You can update your about us page information from here. You can find the page here https://yourdomain.com/about-us

1. Update

Admin can update about us page Content. All the fields are required.

About Us Website View

Related Sale Setting

Related Sale Setting

Related Sale Setting

There are two types of product. Up sale product and cross sale product. You can change the title of this two type product title.

1. Save

Admin can update up Sale Product and Cross Sale Product title.




Themes represent how the website will look. You can add new theme.

1. Add Theme

Admin can add new theme from here. A zip file will be uploaded for theme.

Upload Theme

Color Scheme

Color Scheme

Color Scheme

You can change the color of the website.

1. Update

Update the color scheme.

2. Activate

Activate the color scheme.

Dashboard Setup

Dashboard Setup

Dashboard Setup

You can customize your dashboard view from here.

Dashboard Color

Dashboard Color

Dashboard Color

You can change the color of admin panel.

1. Add new

Add new color for your admin panel.

2. Action

You can clone the base color. Edit and delete it.

Dashboard Color (Add Dashboard Color)

Preloader Setting

1. Change Preloader

You can cahnge preloader from list, which is show when preloader is active.

2. Add new preloader

You can add new preloader as a gif file. Which is show when preloader is active.

2. Disable Preloader(Not recomanded).

You can disable preloader from setting. But not recomanded.




Blogs are important for SEO. You can write blog post about your products or any other topic. You can find the blog page from here https://yourdomain.com/blog .

1. Add

New blog post can be added from here. Category and tag have to create first from Blog Category and Blog Tags option.

2. Action

Blog can edit or delete by admin. Status can be toggle.

Blogs Website View

Blog Category

Blog Category

Blog Category

When you want to add a blog post you have to select a category for the post. You can manage the blog category from here.

1. Add

Add blog category here. A category can be a parent or child. Blog categories are used in creating Blog Post.

2. Action

Blog category can be edit or delete by Admin.




Anyone buy any product from your website is your customer. You can active and deactive them. Deactive customer cannot login to the website.

1. Active Customer

All register users are Active customers. Active customer can be make inactive customer by togging the IS ACTIVE.


2. In Active Customer List

Active Seller List

Active Seller List

Seller List

A merchant is a seller. He/She can sell his/her product. You can see the list of all seller in your website. You can also performe multiple action.

1. Add Seller

Add new seller to the system.

2. Action

Seller details can be found here. You can secretly login to this seller account and make him trusted.

Seller (Create)

Seller (Details)

1. Edit

Seller details can be edited from here.

2. Edit Commission Rate

Commission Rate of a Seller can be edited from here.

3. Make Trusted

Seller can be maked as trusted.

4. Orders

Seller Orders list.

5. Wallet History

Seller Wallet History list.

6. Products

Seller Products list.

Seller (Profile)

Seller (Profile)

Seller (Profile)

Seller (Profile)

Seller (Profile)

Inactive/Request Seller List

Inactive/Request Seller List

Inactive/Request Seller List

Inactive seller cannot login to the system. You can find the inactive seller here.

1. Action

Admin can performe multiple action here.

Comission Setup

Comission Setup

Comission Setup

When any seller sells any product or subscribe to the system you can get comission from it. You can setup the comission here.

1. Update

Admin can update comission details.

Pricing Plan

Pricing Plan

Pricing Plan

When any user want to be a merchant he/she has to choose a pricing plan. You can find the page here https://yourdomain.com/merchant .

1. Save

Admin can add new pricing plan. (*) marked fields are required. Merchant can choose any pricing plan.

2. Action

Pricing plan list can be edit and delete from here.

Pricing plan Website View

Subscription Payment

Subscription Payment

Subscription Payment

When any seller subscribe to the system he/she has to pay. Here you can see the list of that payment.

Auto Approve Seller Configuration

Auto Approve Seller Configuration

Auto Approve Seller Configuration

When auto approve seller is active, seller are automatically approved to the system and can sell the product otherwise admin will manually activate the seller from inactive/request seller list.

1. Update

Admin can update the setting..




This is your personal wallet. You can recharge to it and buy anything from the website using wallet balance.

1. Recharge

Admin can recharge from here.

2. Withdraw

Admin can withdraw from here.

My Wallet (Recharge)

1. Continue

Recharge process will start after pressing continue button.

My Wallet (Withdraw)

1. Send

Withdraw request will be sent.




You can see the withdraw requests from the seller.

1. Edit

Withdraw details can be updated.

Online Recharge

Online Recharge

Bank Recharge

Bank Recharge

Withdraw Request

Withdraw Request

Withdraw Request

You can see the withdraw requests from the seller.

1. Show Details

Admin can show the full details.

Withdraw Request Details

Offline Recharge

Offline Recharge

Offline Recharge

You can see the offline recharge history of the sellers.

1. Approve

Admin can approve offline recharges.

Auto Approve Wallet Configuration

Auto Approve Wallet Configuration

1. Update

Admin can update wallet configuration.

Contact Mail

Contact Mail

Contact Mail

Whoever sends any message to contact you, you can find it here.

1. Delete

Admin can delete contact mail.

Flash Deals

Flash Deals

Flash Deals

Flash deals are special types of offer which in a short time.Flash deal page can be found in a specific url. When you create a flash deal a page link is also created. Through this link you and other users can access to the deals. Flash deals status shold be on to access the page.

1. Add New

Admin can add new flash deals. Flash will show in the website if the status is on.

Flash Deals (Create)

1. Save

Save flash deals.

2. Delete

Product can be removed from the list.

Flash Deals Website View




Through coupon user can get discount when buying any product. It is a great way for selling the product more. When any user go to the checkout page for ordering any product he/she can see a field to enter a coupon. If the coupon is valid he/she get the discount which is set by you.

1. Save

Admin can add new coupons. Different types of coupon can be added.

2. Action

Coupon can edit or delete

New User Zone

New User Zone

New User Zone

You can find the new user zone in the website landing page. When you click to the link you redirect to a page. You can customize this page for new user. You can add some extra benifits for the new users.

1. Add New

Admin can add new user zone. This will show in the website if the status is on.

2. Action

User zone can edit or delete

New User Zone (Create)

New User Zone (Create)

New User Zone (Create)

New User Zone (Create)

3. Save

Save the user zone.

New User Zone Website View

News Letter

News Letter

1. Add New

Add new NewsLetter

2. Action

Newsletter can edit and delete from here.

Bulk Sms

Bulk Sms

Bulk SMS

You can send sms to the customer or seller.

1. Save

Create bulk sms from here. Admin can select multiple user to send sms

2. Action

Create bulk can edit and delete from here.




You can see the subscriber list who are subscribed to the news letter.

1. Action

Subscriber can delete from here.

Referral Code Setup

Referral Code Setup

Referral Code Setup

User can refer to other user through referral code. User can use referral code while regestration. When any user uses any referral code, referer user get some benifits. You can customze the benifits and codes from here.

1. Update

Referral code can update from here.

2. Status

Referral code status can be changed.

Marketing Configuration

Marketing Configuration.

Referral Code Setup

To send news letter & bulk sms, you need to setup cronjob to your server. Please copy cronjob url & setup to your server cron job.

Gift Card List

Gift Card List

Gift Card

User can buy gift card as product. Using the gift card user can recharge their wallet. You can find the gift card from here https://yourdomain.com/gift-cards .

1. Add New

Add new gift card from here.

2. Bulk Upload

Bulk upload the gift cards.

3. Action

Gift card can view, edit and delete.

Gift Card (Create)

1. Save

Save the gift card.

Gift Card (Bulk Upload)

1. Upload

Upload the csv file.




When you add a prodcut you have to select a category and in menu setup you have to select category. You can manage category here. You can find the added categories in many section of this panel.

1. Save

Add new category from here.

2. Bulk Category Upload

Admin can add many categories at a time.

3. Category CSV

Admin can download the categories in csv file.

Category Bulk Upload




You can manage the brands here. Brands are shown in the website in different sections.

1. Add

Add new brand from here.

2. Bulk

Bulk upload the brands.

3. Brand CSV

Admin can download the brands in csv file.

4. Load More

Load more brand to view.

5. Action

Admin can edit and delete brand.

Brand (Create)

1. Save

Save the brand.

Brand Bulk Upload



1. Save

Add new attribute from here.

2. Action

Admin can edit and delete attribute.




Product has different types of units. You can manage it from here.

1. Save

Add new unit from here.

2. Units CSV

Download the units in csv file.

3. Action

Admin can edit and delete the units.

Add New Product

Add New Product

Add New Product

When you add any new product , this product does not show in the website directly. The product should be under a seller. Seller can add this product for sale in their panel.

1. General Info

General information of the product.

2. Save

Admin can add product from here. Admin has to give all the necessary information.

Add New Product

Add New Product

Add New Product

Bulk Product Upload

Bulk Product Upload

Bulk Product Upload

You can upload many product at a time. For that you have to download the csv file and prepare your product list according to the csv file.

1. Upload CSV

Upload product csv file.

Product List

Product List

Product List

You can find all the product list here.

1. Product List

Product list is shown here.

2. Add New Product

Admin can add new product.

3. Action

Admin can view, edit and delete the product.

Product List

Product List

Inhouse Product List

Inhouse Product List

Inhouse Product List

This is your personal product list. You can add, edit, delete your inhouse products. These prodcuts are shown in the website.

1. Product List

Inhouse product list is shown here

2. Alert List

Alert list is shown here

3. Out of stock List

Out of stock list is shown here

4. Disabled Product List

Disabled product list is shown here

5. Add New Product

Admin can add new product in inhouse product list.

Inhouse Product (Create)

Inhouse Product (Create)

1. Save

Save the product.

Recent View Config

Recent View Config

Recent View Config

The system store the recent view details for any user. You can customize the recent view settings from here.

1. Save

Save the recently viewed product configuration.

Product Review

Product Review

Product Review

User who buy the product can review it. After reviewing a product you can accept or declined it.

1. All Review

All review list is shown here.

2. Pending

Pending review list is shown here.

3. Declined

Declined review list is shown here.

4. Action

Review can be denied.

Seller Review

Seller Review

Seller Review

User can also review a seller.

1. All Review

All review list is shown here.

2. Pending

Pending review list is shown here.

3. Declined

Declined review list is shown here.

4. Action

Review can be denied.

Auto Approve Review Configuration

Auto Approve Review Configuration

Auto Approve Review Configuration

Review will automatically approve if active otherwise admin has to manually approve the review.

My Order

My Confirmed Order

My Order

Here you can find the order of your product. In different tabs you can find different order list.

My Completed Order

My Pending Payment Order

My Refused Order

Total Order

Total Order

Total Order

You can find all order of all customer and seller. In different tabs you find different order list.

1. Pending Orders

Pending orders list is shown here.

2. Confirmed Orders

Confirmed orders list is shown here.

3. Completed Orders

Completed orders list is shown here.

4. Pending Payment Orders

Pending payment orders list is shown here.

5. Refused/Cancelled Orders

Refused/Cancelled orders list is shown here.

6. Inhouse Orders

Inhouse orders list is shown here.

7. Action

Orders details can be shown here.

Order Details

1. Print

Admin can print this page.

2. Update

Admin can update the order information.

Inhouse Order

Inhouse Order

Inhouse Order

You can find your inshouse product order list.

1. Confirmed Orders

Confirmed orders list is shown here.

2. Completed Orders

Completed orders list is shown here.

3. Pending Payment Orders

Pending payment orders list is shown here.

4. Refused/Cancelled Orders

Refused/Cancelled orders list is shown here.

6. Create New Order

Admin can create new order from here.

6. Action

Orders details can be shown here.

Inhouse Order (Create)

Delivery Process

Delivery Process

Delivery Process

There are different delivery process in the system. You can add more process. When any user order a product he/she can see the product delivery status. Seller can update delivery status time to time.

1. Save

Add new delivery process from here.

2. Action

Admin can edit the delivery process details.

Cancel Reason

Cancel Reason

Cancel Reason

User can cancel any product. For cancelling any product he/she has to choose a reason. From here you can defined the reason.

1. Save

Add new cancel reason from here.

2. Action

Admin can edit and delete the reasons.

Track Order Configuration

Track Order Configuration

Track Order Configuration Website View

Shipping Carrier

Shipping Carrier


You can find all shipping carrier list.

2.Add New Carrier

Add new carrier shown here.


Update & Delete carrier shown here.


You can active / inactive carrier.

Shipping Rates

Shipping Rates

1.Shipping Rates

You can find all shipping rates list.

2.Add New Rates

Add new shipping rates shown here.


You can active / inactive shipping rates.


Update & Delete shipping rates shown here.

Pickup Locations

Pickup Locations

1.Pickup Locations

You can find all pickup location list.

2.Add New Pickup Location

Add new pickup location shown here.


Update, Details & Delete Pickup Location shown here.


You can active / inactive pickup locations.

5.Set Pickup Location

You can set default pickup locations.

Shipping Orders

Shipping Orders

1.Shipping Orders

You can find order list for shipping.

2.Order Filter

You can order filter by date, carrier, shipping method, tracking ID.

3.Change Pickup Point

You can change pickup point when shipping.


You can generate label, invoice ,packaging & shipping.

Shipping Configuration

Shipping Configuration


You can set shipping configuration.

Label Configuration

Label Configuration

Label Configuration

You can set label configuration.

Pending Refund Requests

Pending Refund Requests

Pending Refund Requests

User can request for refund a product. You can find the refund pending list here.

1. Action

View refund details.

Refund Details

1. Update

Update refund statuses.

Confirmed Refund Requests

Confirmed Refund Requests

Confirmed Refund Requests

When you update a pending refund request to confirmed , it will visiable here.

1. Action

View refund details.

My Refund Requests

My Refund Requests

My Refund Requests

As you are also a seller you will find your own product refund requests here.

1. Action

View refund details.

Refund Reasons

Refund Reasons

Refund Reasons

To refund a product user has to choose a reason. You can manage the reasons here.

1. Save

Add new reason from here.

2. Action

Admin can edit and delete refund reasons.

Refund Process

Refund Process

1. Save

Add new process from here.

2. Action

Precess can edit and delete.

Refund Configuration

Refund Configuration

Refund Configuration

You can configur refund setting here. You can enable and disable refund process and set the time for accepting refund request.

1. Save

Save the configuration.

General Settings

General Settings

General Setting

You can setup many things from here.

1. Save

Save the settings.

Email Templete

Email Templete

Email Templete

The system sends different type of email. You can setup email templete here.

1. Add New Templete

Admin can add new email templete from here.

2. Activate

Email templete can be activated and deactivated from here.

3. Manage

Admin can manage and edit the templete.

Email Templete (Create)

1. Save

Save the templete.

Company Information

Company Information

Company Information

As you are also a seller you can setup your company information. This information will seen by user as a seller.

1. Save

Save the company information settings.

SMTP Settings

SMTP Settings

SMTP Setting

For sending email you need to setup smtp setting.

1. Save

Save the smtp settings.

2. Send Test Mail

After saving the setting test mail can be sent.

SMS Settings

SMS Settings

SMS Setting

For sending sms you need to setup sms setting.

In url filed set api url which is get from api.


And set other parameter according to api.

1. Save

Save the sms settings.

2. Send Test Sms

After saving the setting sms can be sent.

For Twillo:

  • URL: https://api.twilio.com/2010-04-01/Accounts/{AccountSid}/Messages
  • REQUEST METHOD: Select post method from dropdown.
  • username: your AccountSid
  • password: your api token
  • From : your twillo number

For Nexmo:

  • URL: https://rest.nexmo.com/sms/json
  • from: Company Name
  • REQUEST METHOD: Select post method from dropdown.
  • api_key: api key provied by nexmo
  • api_secret: api secret provied by nexmo

Analytic Tools

Analytic Tools

Analytic Tools

You can setup different analytic tools for the website.

1. Save

Save the analytic tools settings.

How to obtain the credentials to communicate with Google Analytics

1. You must have a Google Analytics account. To sign up, go to: http://www.google.com/analytics/

Get credential follow the steps

2. Setup

2.1. Developers Console project

You need to create or use an existing project in the Google Developers Console as a first step.

Go to https://console.developers.google.com/project and sign into your Google/Gmail account.

Once signed in, you'll see a list of existing projects (if there are any) or you can click Create project to create a new one.

2.2. Enable the Analytics API

Then click the menu button in the top-left corner of the Developers Console, expand APIs & Services and click Library.

Ensure the correct project is selected at the top-left of the screen. Scroll down and click the Google Analytics API tile.

Click Enable to enable the Google Analytics API.

2.3. Service account credentials

This section shows you how to generate Service account credentials which will allow to access your Google Analytics data.

From the left navigation, click Credentials. Click Create credentials and select the Service account option.

Enter a name and a role for the account.

Enter a name and a role for the account.

When done, record the service account email address. Copy this from the account details and paste it somewhere to refer to later such as a Notepad app on your computer.

Next, add a new key for the service account. For example, click to edit the service account and click Add Key. Choose a JSON key type.

When finished, a certificate file should be downloaded.

2.4. Authorization

Now that the client credentials have been generated, sign into your Google Analytics account in order to give authorization to these credentials.

Go to the Admin area and click User Management.

In the Add permissions box, enter or paste the service account email address that you recorded earlier. Then click Add.




You can activate and deactive different functionalities from here.

1. Activate

Admin can activate and deactivate many settings.

Notification Setting

Notification Setting

Notification Setting

You can defined how the notification will send from the system.

1. Edit

You can edit notification message and type.

Notification Setting Edit

Social Login Configuration

Social Login Configuration

Social Login Configuration

User can login to the system using social site. You have to configure the api key from here.

Maintenance Mode

Maintenance Mode

Maintenance Mode

In maintenance mode users cannot access to the system. You can go the maintenance mode according to your necessary

About & Update

About & Update

About & Update

You can update the system from here.

Module Manage

Module Manage

Module Manage

You can add, buy, update different types of module.

1. Add

Add or update module.

2. Buy now

Buy new module.

Homepage SEO Setup

Homepage SEO Setup

Homepage SEO Setup

This is use for frontend homepage seo meta data.

2. Goto section

Goto the section. This is under general setting.

2. Update

Fill up the meta data & update

Payment Gateways

Payment Gateways

Payment Gateways

User can pay using different payment gateways. You can setup payment gateways here.

1. Activation

Admin can change the activation. If any gateway is active it will show in the side panel where payment gateways information can be updated. It will also show in the website for the users to pay through this gateway.

2. Update

Give necessary details of payment method and update it.

3. For Instamojo payment gateway:

Sandbox URL: https://test.instamojo.com/api/1.1/

Live URL: https://www.instamojo.com/api/1.1/

Payment Gateways Website View

Language Settings

Language Settings

Language Setting

Setup the languages for the website. User can change the lauguage.

1. Add New Language

Admin can create new language.

2. Activate

Admin can activate and deactivate any language.

3. Action

Admin can edit, delete any language. Language translation can be added from here.

Language (Create)

1. Save

Save the language.

Language (Translation)

1. Save

Save the language translation.

Currency List

Currency List


You can setup the currency for the website. User can change currency. First Setup Default Currency From System Setting.

1. Add New Currency

Admin can create new currency for the system.

2. Action

Currency can be edited from here.

Setup Default Currency Rate

Setup default currency rate always 1.

Setup Setup Others Currency If You Have Multi Currency System.

For get accurate result, please update with accurate convert rate.

You can get accurate from here




Tag is import for search any product or blog or gift card.

1. Save

Add new tag.

2. Action

Edit and delete the tags.




You can setup the locations. When user add a delivery address he/she can choose the location.

1. Save

Add new country.

2. Action

Edit the country information.


1. Save

Add new state.

2. Action

Edit the state information.


1. Save

Add new city.

2. Action

Edit the city information.

Media Manager

All Upload Files

All Upload Files

All uploaded files you found here. Media manager also managle from here.

1. Uplaod New Media

When you click uplaod new, goto to the new upload drag & drop page.

2. Filter Media

You can filter media from here.like search, sorting.

3. Action

You can delete, copy link, downlaod, info from here.

Upload New Media

1. Uplaod New Media

After Drag & drop or browse image, file automatically uploaded here.

2. After Upload

After uploaded you can see uploaded info form here.

Select Media From Modal

1. Select New Media

Uplaoded Media can be multiple time use from here. Also can upload new media from here.

Gst List

Gst List

GST List

You can manage different type of gst here.

1. Save

Add new gst.

2. Action

Admin can edit and delete GST.

GST Configuration

GST Configuration

GST Configuration

You can configure the gst from here.

1. Update

Update the GST configuration values.

Chart Of Account

Chart Of Account

Chart Of Account

You can manage differeny types of account here.

1. Chart of Account

Create new chart of account.

2. Action

Admin can edit and delete chart of account.

Chart Of Account (Create)

1. Submit

Save the new account.

Bank Accounts

Bank Accounts

Bank Accounts

For receiving payment you might be need bank accounts. You can manage bank accounts here.

1. New Account

Create new account.

2. Action

Admin can edit and delete account. Account history can also be seen from here.

Bank Account (Create)

1. Submit

Save the new account.

Bank Account (Details)




Calculate your income here.

1. New Income

Create new income.

2. Action

Admin can edit and delete income.




Calculate your expenses here.

1. New Expenses

Create new expense.

2. Action

Admin can edit and delete expense.




When you add your income and expenses the system will automaticall calculate your profit. You can find the details here.

1. Search

Search profit according to date range.




When any user use payment gateway to pay , it creates a transaction history. You will find all the transaction history here.

1. Select Criteria

Transaction details can be found according to date range.




Manage different types of statements.

1, 2 & 3. Select Criteria

Admin can choose different criteria.

Support Ticket

Support Ticket

Support Ticket

For different types of support , user can create support ticket. You can manage support ticket here.

1. Add New

Add new support ticket.

2. Search

Search support ticket according to category, priority and status.

3. Agent Asign

Admin can change who will be assign to the ticket.

4. Action

Admin can show, edit and delete support ticket.

Support Ticket (Create)

1. Create Ticket

Create the support ticked by giving the necessary information.

Support Ticket Category

Support Ticket Category

Support Ticket Category

For creating a support ticket you need to choose a category. You can manage the category here.

1. Save

Create new category.

2. Action

Admin can edit and delete any category.




Support ticket has different priority. You can manage support ticket priority here.

1. Save

Create new priority.

2. Action

Admin can edit and delete any priority.




Support ticket has different status. You can manage support ticket status here.

1. Save

Create new status.

2. Action

Admin can edit and delete any status.

Activity Logs

Activity Logs

Activity Logs

All the activities of the system is stored. You will find it here.

Login Activity

Login Activity

Login Activity

System stores all the login and logout information of the users. You can find it here.




Staffs are like your company employee. You can use them to do specific task.

1. Add New Staff

Admin can create new staff.

2. Action

Admin can view, edit and delete staff.

Staff (Create)

1. Save

Save the staff.




Every staff and user has a specific role. Role means what a user can do. Different types of permissions are given to a specific role.

1. Save

Create new role.

2. Assign Permission

Admin can assign permissions to any role.

Role Permission

1. Submit

Assign the specific permissions to the role.




You can manage your company department.

1. Add New Department

Admin can create new department.

2. Action

Admin can edit and delete department.

Department (Create)

1. Save

Save the department.




You can take your staff attendance here.

1 & 2. Select Role and Date

Select role and date to give attendance.

3. Save

Save the attendance.

Attendance Report

Attendance Report

Attendance Report

You can generate your staff attendance report here.

1. Search

Select role, month and year for attendance report generate.

2. Attendance Report Print

You can print the attendance report.




You can manage event here.

1. Save

Admin can create new event.

2. Action

Admin can edit and delete event.

Holiday Setup

Holiday Setup

Holiday Setup

Setup holiday for staffs.

1. Copy Previous Year Setting

Save the previous year setting for the year.


Admin can add new holiday.

Ignore IP

Ignore IP

Ignore Ip

If you want to prevent a user to use the application you can do it by giving the IP address in ignore IP.

1. Save

Ignore IP cannot enter the website. You can add new ip address from here.

2. Action

Delete any ignored IP.

Sidebar Manage

Sidebar Manage

Sidebar Manage

Admin can rearrenge the sidebar from here by drag and drop.

Seller Wise Sales

Seller Wise Sales

Keyword Searches

Keyword Searches

Keyword Searches

You can find the report of which keywords are searched in the application.




If anyone visit the website, the system store the ip address of the user. You can find the visitor list here.

Inhouse Product Sale

Inhouse Product Sale

Inhouse Product Sale

You can find the inhouse product sale report here. You can filter by sale type.

Product Stock

Product Stock

Product Stock

Product stock list is here.




If any user add any product to his/her wishlist, you can find it here.

Wallet Recharge History

Wallet Recharge History

Wallet Recharge History

You can find the wallet recharge history report here.

Top Seller

Top Seller

Top Seller

You can find the report of top seller who sales the most.

Top Customer

Top Customer

Top Customer

You can find the top customer who spent the most.

Top Selling Item

Top Selling Item

Top Selling Item

You can find the report of product which has sold the most.




You can find the order report here. You can filter the report according to your necessary.




Payment history report is here.

Product Review

Product Review

Product Review

You can find the product review report here.

Seller Review

Seller Review

Seller Review

You can find the seller review report here.

My Purchases

My Purchases

My Purchase

Whatever you purchase from the website you can find it here. You can also see different types of details of your orders.

1. Purchase List

View the purchase products.

2. To Pay

View the paying product list.

3. To Ship

View the shipping product list.

4. To Recieve

View the reveiving product list.

5. Download Invoice

Download the invoice.

Gift Card

Gift Card

Gift Card

If you buy any gift card, you can find it here. You can use the gift card to recharge your wallet.

1. View

View the secret code.

2. Redeem

By clicking the redeem button you can add the balance to your wallet.

Digital Product

Digital Product

Digital Product

If you buy any digital product , you can find it here.

My Wishlist

My Wishlist


If you add any product to your wishlist you can find it here. /p>

Refund & Dispute

Refund & Dispute

Refund & Dispute

When you request any product for refund You can see it here.

My Coupon

My Coupon

My Coupon

If you want to save any coupon for later use you can save it here.

1. Add

Add the coupon for later use.

2. Delete

Delete the coupon.

My Account

My Account

My Account

You can find your personal information here.

2. Update

Update basic information.

My Account(Change Password)

4. Update

Update the old password.

My Account(Address)

6. Add New Address

You can add new address to your account.

7. Edit

Address can be edited.

My Account

8. Save

Save the new address.

My Referral

My Referral

My Referral

Using referral code user can get discount. You can get your referral code from here and see the users who used your referral code.




Admin have different utilities in the system.Admin can perform different utility action from here.

1. Clear cache

Clear your application cache data.

2. Clear Log

For any action the system generate a log. You can create it from here.

3. Disable App debug

If you disable app debug system will show the error exceptions.

4. Enable force https

Https is a secure connection. You can enable https from here.

5. Reset Database

Be careful to reset your database, it will erase all your data.

6. XML Sitemap

You can generate xml sitemap from here.